It’s been sometime since our last blog so there’s lots to tell you about.

The Wren funded project at Holllesley is progressing at an impressive pace. We have finished the design work for the new scrape and we think it will look very impressive from the river wall/pillbox. The scrape will be a mix of open water, bare islands and shingle islands. The aim is to create a home for birds like avocet and terns whist retaining the lapwing habitat around the edge of the scrape. It will be all fresh water fed by the springs upstream at the Suffolk Punch Trust.

All of the consents we need to progress have now been granted including planning permission. We aim to start construction in August once the breeding birds have fledged any young they have raised. The project will move 16000 tonnes to topsoil around the 18 hectare field. This work should be concluded by Christmas 2013 and once finished we will erect a predator proof fence around the scrape.

We don’t plan to build any fixed viewing points and you will be able to get great views from the river wall footpath. We have been working closely with the open prison and we are looking at options to provide a small car park to allow you easy access to the new wetland.

Were very excited and the project will provide another fantastic wetland spectacle to enjoy.

Field at Hollesley which will become the new scrape

Aaron, Site Manager