All the volunteers who work in the Reserve, including those who work in the woods, the office or even write the blog, recently had their Christmas meal in a pub at Oare. It was very enjoyable and a chance for everyone to see each other again, as during the rest of the year it’s rare for volunteers to meet those who work on different days or in different capacities.

Lyndsey Record, the Deputy Warden, said this about the occasion:

‘Blean woods has an amazing team of volunteers that help us throughout the year with the endless habitat management and survey work that needs doing. Primarily over the winter this includes the ride-widening and coppicing – cutting and burning the brash (any excuse for a nice bonfire on a cold morning!). Over the summer we have the endless maintenance work and the clearing of paths.

We can’t thank our volunteers enough for all of their hard work and we do like to get them all together over Christmas and treat them to a good traditional lunch. This occasion is great for everybody to catch up with one another.’