This week has seen the beginning of the annual dormouse season with the clearing out and repairing of their nest boxes. This is done while the dormice themselves are hibernating, usually in the roots or boles of trees. As dormice are a protected species, they can only be handled by someone with the relevant training (which takes two years) and in the case of the Blean Woods NNR it is Dr. Martin Anderson. There are 70 boxes scattered around the woods, some of which may be visible in the winter but of course if you do see one they shouldn’t be disturbed. Throughout the summer the boxes will be checked on a monthly basis when the nocturnal dormice use them to sleep during the day. Any found are weighed and sexed, which helps to build up a picture of the health of the general population. Quite often the first spring survey reveals a large number of blue tit and great tit ‘squatters’ and their broods or even a shrew or wood mouse, which is always a bit of a bonus!