This is the first posting of what I hope will be a regular update on things that are happening in the woods, either reports of what people have seen (not just birds but butterflies, flowers or anything else of interest) or the work that’s going on there. I hope this will encourage other people to log on and contribute, either by contacting me or via the forum. In the future I also hope to add more information (like forthcoming events) to the rest of the Blean Woods section of the website. To start things off I have been told that there are quite a lot of siskins and redpolls in the woods at the moment, particularly at the Monkey Court Common entrance. A pair of bullfinches and a female hen harrier have also been seen recently.  

  • I saw Goldcrests and a couple of Firecrests in the evergreens along the green trail last week. Blean Wood is a fascinating place with something to offer all year round. Cant wait for the wild flowers and butterflies to appear again, nightjars and woodcock in the Summer and fungi in the Autumn.