On Wednesday 7th April a white-tailed eagle was spotted flying above the reserve at Blacktoft Sands.  The large size of the eagle was very obvious even compared to our marsh harriers.  This eagle was one that was released during August 2008 as part of the east of Scotland release programme. 

This young eagle has been visiting the north east of England during this last week.  It was seen near newcastle last Wednesday, then was seen over Flamborough head (by our very own Karl) on Sunday and then yesterday it was spotted near Hull before an evening visit to the area around Blacktoft.  This picture of the eagle was taken by our warden Mike Pilsworth.

Lets hope it likes the Humber and maybe it will decide to stay for a while.

For more information see: http://blogs.rspb.org.uk/eastscotlandeagles/default.aspx