This morning the reserve right across all the lagoons was absolutely hooching with both number and quality of birds on high tide. Rather than write about everything here are just a few pictures from yesterday evening and this morning. Tide is about 8am tomorrow and the reserve gates should be open by then unless I'm delayed. 

Best birds this morning were spotted crake, 2 spoonbills, little stint, 2 curlew sandpipers, 9 spotted redshank, kingfisher, yellow wagtails and garganey - plus plenty of other waders and 2000 odd duck 

Our current star bird - spotted crake from this morning

Little stint at Xerox

Curlew sandpiper at Singleton

Spoonbills at Xerox

A late avocet juvenile - it looks youngish too!

Juvenile ruff on Marshland - there are over 40 ruff on site 

Curlew - you can often find them feeding in the fields in Ousefleet as you drive to the reserve

Pintail, with wigeon and gadwall


Marshland lagoon - 'wall to wall' birds

Ducks and waders on Marshland this morning

Quite impressive!