Waders are still prevalent around the reserve especially marshland, xerox and townend hides with reports of 56 snipe around the reserve yesterday (17th Aug). These quirky little characters aren’t always the easiest of spots especially when in amongst the reeds and vegetation .


Black tailed godwits have turned up in good numbers too. Pete counted 120 earlier today.

The wood sandpipers are still featuring mainly at xerox but also marshland hides. With around 28 breeding pairs in the UK these schedule 1 birds are always a pleasure to see. The 2 we have spotted at the reserve are likely to be passage migrants heading to overwinter in Africa from their breeding grounds in northern Europe.

Other wader sightings include:-

Green sandpiper

Common redshank

Spotted redshank

Green shank


And ruff.

Water rail have been showing really well too with several sightings around the reserve with lots of juveniles amongst them. A good year for water rail perhaps?

Water rail juvenile

Brood and juvenile season continues with some late broods of waterfowl still around.

Tufted duck brood on townend lagoon.

Mallard on first hide lagoon.

A small brood of moorhen chicks also spotted at first hide but disappeared into the margins.

Little grebe’s appear to have had quite a successful season. I counted 5 juvs on singleton early yesterday.

I know it’s a relatively common bird but it’s lovely to see so many pied wagtail young too. They seem to have had a great breeding season. They can be seen all around the reserve – these 2 were still hassling parents for food a few days ago on marshland lagoon.

Pied wagtails on marshland.

Escaping the lens this week:

Bearded tits have been regular sightings mainly at marshland hide but townend and xerox as well.

It’s that time of year when marsh harriers disperse into the Humber estuary and surrounding areas. With around 14 successful fledglings this year the reserve becomes crowded and can’t sustain a fantastically growing population therefore they head out searching for fresh feeding grounds. There’s still a good few around the reserve though and one pair seem to have a current nest. We estimate the chicks should fledge in September if successful. Well over a month after the rest!

Female over xerox lagoon.

Regular bittern sighting have been reported too. Several sightings of at least 2 different birds have been reported over the last few days from townend and singleton hides.

As well as pied wagtails there been a goodly number of yellow wagtails around ranging from the grazing marsh to marshland. They love to be around the koniks ponies too, chasing down insects.

And finally …

It’s no secret that I have a fascination for moths (our night shift pollinators) so was a real pleasure to see these 2 beauties on the trails over the last couple of days. Hopefully they’ll emerge early next summer in their adult (moth) form.

White ermine moth caterpillar

Privet hawk moth caterpillar.

Don’t forget we’re serving refreshments from reception so why not drop by (sorry no access to hide for now) for a hot/cold drink and snack.


Be safe and take care … and happy birding everyone!
