Been a week of changes here at Blacktoft and it's going to be a quick blog. With the last few summer migrants turning up, singing warblers are on very good form. ! was very pleased to hear three grasshopper warblers from Singleton hide on Tuesday evenings, when local barn owls were active with at least four birds hunting the reedbed.
Easterly flow of wind has continued to pull in some interesting birds. A single black tern and arctic tern were seen yesterday. Ousefleet is drying out rapidly but lovely habitat for waders at the moment which should last to the end of the weekend at least. Black- tailed godwits, ringed plover, dunlin and little ringed plover have been seen nearly every day. with scarcer waders including sanderling, knot , ruff a couple of spotted redshanks. A temminck's stint was reported on both Tuesday and Wednesday but it evaded me so if any one has any photos ( I don't mind if it's poor quality please send it to us). The weather for Saturday looks good for attracting a few more arctic waders and maybe terns and Ousefleet will be the place to be.
Breeding birds are really getting busy, first avocet chick was seen yesterday, the next few weeks should be the best time to enjoy these birds on the reserve. Other young birds have started to appear with ducklings , goslings, a few young bearded tits seen, a pair of cetti's warblers were seen feeding fledged young on Wednesday. Quite a few broods of coot on the lagoons which people often say are ugly but I think are beautiful see what you think?
Bitterns have been active with booming on several days and sighting most days including birds chasing each other in flight and . Keep your eyes to the skies for spoonbill with birds flying over the reserve on several dates including seven on Tuesday evening.
Amongst the raptors our female montagu's harrier is still around has been seen occasionally but distant. Marsh harriers are active as ever. There has been a couple of sighting of peregrine and pleased to see this red kite drift over the reserve yesterday morning.