Not a lot of time this week for a blog as we've been pretty full on with work. 

Just a quick update in terms of the reserve closure - the Reserve will remain closed as we are not currently able to open our hides or toilets under government guidelines. 

This week has been another hot and dry one and this has meant birds have been getting on with raising their young, lots of insects emerging too particularly butterflies and dragonflies but also plenty of flowers in Horseshoe Meadow. So I will allow the pictures to tell the tales this week...............

Little egret - more and more are now feeding on the reserve away from their breeding colonies

And those Sticklebacks have been feeding the bitterns!

The quintessential sound of summer - cuckoo, its currently a good year for them

Marsh harriers are having a mixed breeding season, but this female was hungry!

Reed buntings have started singing again in large numbers - it always amazes me just how many there are in the tidal reedbed hundreds of pairs

And the yellow wagtails have been collecting nesting material - the koniks winter coat of the floor

A few sheep have joined the cattle out on the marsh

While so did this cheeky fox

There was another brief visit from this drake garganey 

And there was a late passage of waders west including these oystercatchers

We've had a few hairy dragonflies - this one though was out on Crowle Moors

And nice to see the yellow flag iris flowering

The first silver Y moth of the year from this morning

And sea milkwhort flowering out on the grazing marsh

Horseshoe meadow is blooming very nicely

and attracting masses of butterflies like this large skipper, the first one out today

And brown argus

In among the blues

Large white, they never stop still long enough!

Some meadow plants - clary

Rough hawkbit

  And that's about it - June next week!