After a visit from the eagle from the north yesterday,  today saw the return of the visitors from the south.  Back is the willow warblers.  Back are the grasshopper warblers.  Back is the sedge warblers.  A nice male garganey has also been spending time up at Ousefleet and this is just the start of telling you all the activity around Blacktoft at the moment.

Lets start with the marsh harriers.  There have been so many around the reserve at the moment that it has been extremely difficult to count the number around but we expect there to be at least 20 birds displaying, nest building and chasing each other.  This must make Blacktoft one of the best places to see the marsh harrier in the UK - it has been amazing to watch.  Particularly look out for our smart males with the three colours brown, grey and black wing tips.

Now the Avocets.  They seem to be spending more time on the reserve so are the beginning to settle down?  Lets hope so.  Small numbers have been on Townend and Marshland lagoons today, with the bulk of the avocets still favouring Ousefleet.

For other waders.  Our black-tailed godwit numbers have increased to 98 - still prefering Xerox. 

For ducks.  Listen out for the call of the little grebes from most lagoons.  Small numbers of ducks are now scattered throughout most of the pools.  There are still a few wigeon around but these will be heading north soon.

Summer visitors.   Willow warblers, sedge warblers and grasshopper warblers have now joined the chiffchaff, yellow wagtail, sand martin, swallow as the summer visitors that have returned to Blacktoft Sands this week.  With the weather set for being nice for the next few days we expect more of our summer visitors to arrive at Blacktoft.