I could only make for a short visit to the cliffs today but what a morning to enjoy the atmospheric power of nature! Some wintery showers greeted my arrival with a very strong easterly blow doing its best to challenge the few brave souls making it onto the cliff path and viewpoints. All of the seabirds had left the cliffs for the safety of the sea but a few could be seen in flight. Best bird of the morning was a very pale Barn Owl quartering the fields between the visitor centre and ruins of RAF Bempton.

Due to the weather, the sightings board is a little Spartan!

Standing on the view points you could feel the power of the sea as the waves battered the base of the cliffs 400ft below! The best part of today was the atmospheric light combined with nature's power, where else would you want to be?!

During the breeding season, these cliffs are normally white with Gannets, returning to their nests. Today, the white was a dusting of snow!

This rather icy spectacle, off Grandstand, will be home to nesting Puffins, Guillemots and Razorbills. All that is needed is some warm weather!

And finally, I don't think this will apply for a while!