We have never had a week as extraordinary as last week in Bempton Cliffs history! We had sightings of the Eastern-Crowned Warbler, Black-Browed Albatross, Red Breasted Flycatcher, Goldcrest, Arctic Warbler, Siberian Chiffchaff, Short-Eared Owl, Wheatear, Firecrest, Yellow-Browed Warbler, Blackcap, Brambling, Redpoll, Richard's Pipit, Ring Ouzel, Fieldfare and Marsh Harrier.

We are all still so excited about the Eastern-Crowned Warbler and the Black-Browed Albatross that visited us last Wednesday, bringing in hundreds of visitors from far and wide. However, things have quietened down this week, as most migrants only stick around for 3 days, having refueled enough to carry on with their journey. A Mealy Redpoll was spotted early yesterday afternoon, but has not been seen yet today. We do however still have some Brambling in our feeding station and luckily the Red Breasted Flycatcher has just been spotted still hanging around, currently on the path at the side of our overflow car park!

Juvenile Bluethroat on the path at Bartlett Nab 8th Oct - Image credit: Dave Aitken

Red Breasted Flycatcher 8th Oct - Image credit: Wendy Flakes @wendyredrobin 

We couldn't resist another couple of photos of the stars of last week. Unfortunately the Eastern-Crowned Warbler has left us now and the Black-Browed Albatross that was said to be making its way back up the East Coast, hasn't been seen here again. 

Eastern-Crowned Warbler 5th Oct, Image credit: Paul Leafe

Black-Browed Warbler 5th Oct, Image credit: Paul Leafe

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