Siberian Chiffchaff

This morning dawned bright and sunny with blue sky and a ground frost, a beautiful late autumn setting. Unfortunately, these pleasant conditions did not last longer than lunchtime when the wind increased and heavy showers rolled in. A relatively quiet day bird wise, so what was about?

Todays Sightings
Undoubtedly, the bird of the moment is the long staying, very obliging Siberian Chiffchaff that has taken up residence in the bushes at the back of the visitor centre. It is very showy, calling occasionally and feeding very well. Indeed, you do not even need optics to enjoy the bird! It does not like the rain though, hiding away until it stops, then feeding again in the open!
Me and my shadow!
Showing green in wings and tail but grey brown o head, nape and back
Ground feeding against the early frost
Feeding well!
In the same area, Goldfinches avail themselves of  seeds
And a Pheasant

Down on the viewpoints, the splendour of the cliffs delight many visitors but they are now naked of birds. However, this Wren showed well near Bartlett Nab
And a Jackdaw stopped by

The Dell was quieter than usual, but two male Bullfinches fed on the far side (distant record shot)

The cold, strong wind and heavy rain challenged the afternoon, but the Siberian Chiffchaff continued to show between the showers, much to the delight of birders sheltering under the visitor centre canopy!