Barn Owl

Is it really Easter? Typically the Easter bank holiday weather did its best to deter anyone from leaving the comfort of their homes and probably their duvets! A cloudy dull day greeted us on the cliffs with occasional light showers and a cold, moderate northerly wind. Arriving on the Grandstand and Bartlett Nab viewpoints, the first thing that hit you (apart from the cold wind) was the absence of birds. Gannets and Fulmars were on the ledges and in flight around the cliffs, with a few Kittiwakes on their nests. Large rafts of Kittiwakes were on the sea, with occasional Guillemots and Razorbills flying by. The cliffs had no Auks (Puffin, Guillemot, Razorbill) on the ledges.

My images today were as a result of a new camera - a Canon 7D mark2! Quite a bit of a step up from my old 7D mark1, so my learning curve rises yet again!

So what was to be seen?

A Barn Owl quartered the cliff top fields first thing, always a great bird to see!

The moderate north wind provided well for birds in flight


And the UK's largest seabird, the Gannet

And finally, breaking this posts theme of birds in flight, a Fulmar on its ledge

Let's hope that the warmth of spring arrives soon, together with all of Bempton's breeding seabirds.