Merry Christmas from the "gang" at Bempton Cliffs!

This Christmas was our first in Yorkshire! Normally we travel back to relatives in Rugby, but this year we thought it would be nice to spend Christmas at home. Another first was Christmas morning on Bempton Cliffs experiencing the sunrise. I had hoped that the Guillemots would have joined me, but alas no! However, it was a pleasure to watch c30 Fulmars flying around Bartlett Nab and Grandstand, together with several Great Black Backed Gulls, 5 vociferous Herring Gulls and 4 Shags! The sunrise was however, rather special in the relative peace of Christmas morning!

Christmas Morning Sunrise

And finally, over Cliff Lane, Bempton

Just a reminder that RSPB Bempton Cliffs reserve is open for those invigorating Christmas walks on the cliff tops but the Seabird Centre is closed until 1st January. Enjoy!