
Today was a "grey" day! Grey sky, grey sea, grey cliffs and grey birds! In other words a nightmare for photography as there was little in the way of contrast, making it difficult to "lock" onto the birds! (That's my excuse!). What a day to try and capture birds in flight! It was also a rather chilly day, getting colder as the day progressed, necessitating movement to keep warm! Indeed, I walked the whole reserve, visited all of the viewpoints and even ventured into the unknown (for me) beyond Staple Newk! At North Dykes, I came across this Puffin sculpture, once loved, no doubt, but now in need of some additional tender loving care!

Whilst at the viewpoints I had a go at photographing birds in flight and Fulmars fitted the bill admirably as the only birds flying close!

At Bartlett Nab a Wren caught my attention. A very small bird on some very large cliffs!

Spending some time on my walk at Staple Newk, I admired the views from the east looking west and was impressed the geological fault, which I had previously only seen from the sea.

Looking at Staple Newk, the very untidy Gannet nests are prominent and give a good insight into the nesting materials

Look and you will see!" I have not, until today, noticed the "face" in the rock on Staple Newk!

And finally, what else is about?

What will you discover?