It was a great start on the cliffs this morning with a stunning sunrise giving hope that the weather forecasters had got it wrong! The early morning frost was quite severe and Cliff Lane was like an ice rink in parts! Unfortunately the icy, bright start did not last more than an hour and eventually the promised rain did its best to dampen spirits, but failed, of course! 

Todays Sightings:

Today was another Guillemot day(third Sunday in a row)! Early on, between Grandstand and Bartlett Nab viewpoints, c2000 Guillemots graced the cliff ledges, sea and in flight between the two! Their guttural calls are always a pleasure to hear. This number diminished as the day progressed with c100 remaining at Bartlett Nab by mid afternoon.

Some Guillemots were observed in states of coitus!

Several Song Thrushes remained along the cliff top but nothing like the 31 observed yesterday!

Not a bad day, despite the rain!

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