Last Friday I held my first corporate work party at Beckingham Marshes and welcomed a team of seven people from CEMEX onto site for a day revitalising our visitor infrastructure. Our viewing platform and 'discovery domes' are great assets to the site and we like to keep them looking smart, so every year, they get a much needed lick of paint. This helps to preserve the structures and covers over all those bare areas where the cattle have used them as scratching posts!

So, after a quick introduction to the site at the Old Willow Works and a pleasant walk over to the viewing platform, the group got to work to the backdrop of lapwings feeding young chicks, curlew displaying and tree sparrows chirping away in the hedgerows around Froghall.

The weather was kind to us as well, with sunshine for most of the day and most importantly, no rain!

So, after 6 hours and 8 tins of Cuprinol, the group had painted all the visitor infrastructure, fences and gates on site - an excellent effort and much appreciated! A massive thanks to all involved and to Roger and Paul from Langford for helping with the day - very productive and enjoyable indeed!