I've been away on holiday in Scotland for a week, so was anxious to get back to Beckingham this morning for a good look around site, especially to check up on the progress of the lapwings. And i wasn't disappointed! The predator fence still seems to be pulling it's weight, with some now very large looking lapwing chicks, only a week or so from fledging feeding around the wet edges of the scrapes. There are at least 8 of this age - so encouraging to see them doing so well. There are also at least two broods of smaller young - only a week or so old that look to be doing well too. In total, I counted 12 chicks of varying ages and with 1-2 birds still sitting on eggs, this number should increase soon.

Also on site recently, we were treated to a great view of 2 cuckoo over the site two weeks ago, yellow wagtails galore, the males looking absolutely stunning, grey partridge, little egret, 3 tufted duck were a site tick for me today, masses of tree sparrows, doing really well in the nestboxes once again this year and I was delighted today to see two broods of shoveler on site.

The site's aquatic ditch plants are starting to spring into life too, with a lovely display of celery-leaved buttercup today, water crowfoot in flower and many other species emerging from the depths.