For weeks now, my message on our 'What's about?' sign at the reserve's entrance has stated 'look out for the first returning fieldfares and redwings and for numbers of overwintering wildfowl building up'.

Until yesterday, this hadn't really materialized, but then neither had winter.  Yesterday's volunteer work party were treated to the sight of an almost constant stream of the aforementioned winter thrushes, passing over our heads. 

Towards the end of the day, I took a walk out to the viewing platform, as I'd heard the whistle of numerous wigeon (the soundtrack to a wetland in winter) earlier on in the day.  I counted approximately 120 wigeon along with 27 mallard, 4 teal, 6 gadwall and two smart drake shoveler.  Also of note were a grey heron, a little owl, a kestrel and at least 100 starlings.