The community garden adjacent to The Old Willow Works was officially opened by Councillor Liz Yates on Friday 15th November.

Thirteen dignitaries attended including members from the local community and staff from Groundwork Cresswell, Ashfield and Mansfield, who designed and constructed the garden.

Other special guests on the day were years 3 and 4 from Beckingham Primary School.  The children were invited along to try out the new pond dipping platform in the garden and to try their hands at dissecting  some of the the resident barn owl's pellets. 

Despite the pond being less than a year old, the 'pond dippers' were delighted to find things such as damselfly nymphs, greater water boatmen, lesser water boatmen and pond skaters.  The 'pellet dissectors' found the skulls and jaws bones of numerous voles and shrews.