Due to the extended rainy season that we are currently experiencing, the water levels in the Beckingham Main Drain have risen enough for us to be able to turn on our new wind pumps.  It's been so rewarding to watch the water levels in the ditches slowly rising around site and the scrapes doing likewise. 

Water table measurements taken in february showed that, compared to last year, levels in some parts of the site were down by 1.5 metres.  Therefore, the pumps have played a crucial part in 'recharging' our ground water.  So, despite the weather being a bit miserable at the moment, 'we do need it' as people keep saying. 

What we don't need is the attention of scrap metal thieves.  Unfortunatley, as I arrived on site last Monday, I discovered that someone has removed everything that's easily removable off the pumps.  Fortunately, this hasn't stopped the pumps from working.

This was always going to be a risk, but we thought we'd got away with it.  We should have known better!