Spring was in full flow today with migrants being seen all over the reserve. Chiffchaff can be heard the second you get out of the car, followed by willow warbler and Blackcap. Wheatears were seen up on Coombe heath along with our residant Dartfod Warblers. The Godwits of the black tailed sort were still showing well in summer plumage.

A Marsh Harrier was reported from Middlebere, but no sign today of the Osprey, which had its 9th day on the reserve yesterday. A Tawny Owl which has taken up residents in the carpark has been quite a crowd pleaser, but it takes some finding.

All the common birds on the reserve are showing signs of getting ready to nest, with Nuthatches, G.S Woodpeckers and Greenfinches all seen carrying nesting material.

All in all a very busy bird day !!!!!!!!