The sightings board was packed today, and so was the reserve. The higlights included Spotted Flycatcher feeding just off the carpark behind the G.S Woodpecker and Nuthatch nests. The female Marsh Harrier was seen on the prowl over the reedbeds at Middlebere and a Hobby was seen in pursuit of prey late in the day. The woodpeckers spent most of the day chasing one another around the car park, much to the delight of the visitors, and have taken to feeding on the birdfeeders by the visitor centre.

Raven, Dunlin, Dartford Warbler, Stonechat, Brown Hare, Linnet, Meadow and Tree Pipit, Black Tailed Godwit, Grey Plover and Spoonbill were seen throughout the day over on the Combe heath trail, and over Arne Bay; Redshank, Curlew, Whimbrel and a lonesome Brent Goose were spotted.

To top off the day a Slow Worm was brought in by the male Kestrel today, making a mighty meal for the Female which perhaps makes up for yesterday...