Without trying to sound like a broken record our moth and Butterfly themed blog posts must continue, as the temperatures have begun to rise as have the number of reports of Silver-studded Blues. Coombe Heath is by far the best place to encounter this pretty little butterfly. Our moth trap openings in the morning have been becoming more and more productive; although migration has slowed the number of resident species has risen very, very quickly and we’re recording new species for the year every day. Probably the highlight of our escapades has been the discovery of a Micro moth called Diplodoma laichartingella, amazingly both times it was captured in the Visitor Hut! Must be our welcoming, smiling faces at the hut...

With such good catches each day now we really do invite people to come and see what we’re getting each night, we open the traps down at 9am at the Visitor hut. These pics might entice a few of you to venture out nice and early!


Elephant Hawk-moth

Beautiful Golden Y


Moths aren’t all we catch in the traps. This Eyed Ladybird was a good capture this morning.

Just to add in a little bit of bird news a Poole Harbour Marsh Harrier has fledged after a tense couple of weeks the exciting news of a fledgling was broadcast just this morning! Joining it also appear to be increasing numbers of Spoonbill so keep your eyes peeled from Shipstall and Coombe heath for your chance to see these special birds.

Also coming up this month is our Big Wild Canoe event in Poole Harbour, You can find out more information at http://www.rspb.org.uk/discoverandenjoynature/seenature/events/details.aspx?id=tcm:9-402167 and if you’d like to book you can follow this link http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/big-wild-canoe-at-rspb-arne-registration-16799134664 . Will be an incredible way to see Arne and the surrounding harbour.