Our Nightjars have returned!

This week saw a sudden shift to summery weather across our reserves, bringing out a lot of wildlife for our events, particularly our Dawn Chorus walks, and provided lots of birds to see on our Birdwatching for Beginners walks too. We also had plenty of our Free School Visits, engaging children with the stunning array of wildlife on our reserves. Our first Weymouth Family Day event at RSPB Radipole Lake last weekend was also a big success, with lots of families enjoying Pond Dipping sessions, and our Free planting activities, including taking home potted sunflower seeds.

Next week we'll be running a Dawn Chorus walk at Garston Wood, and a Not quite the Dawn Chorus walk for families at RSPB Arne, a family Birdwatching for Beginners guided walk, as well as our first Intermediate Birdwatching event, the next step in learning bird ID from our birdwatching for beginners events.
With our Nightjars back on the reserve for summer, we're also looking forward to our Night Wildlife Walks next month to look for them around the reserve.

Photo above: Great Diving Beetle and Stickleback fish at RSPB Radipole Lake

The Warden this week installed a new bench at the front of RSPB Radipole Lake, as well as moving a windblown tree at RSPB Arne, and fence repairs.
Next week the warden team will continue repairing fences across our reserves, checking survey equipment, and installing a new cattle grid at RSPB Arne.

Nightjars are the latest Summer birds to arrive at our reserves, just in time for nesting at RSPB Arne. Some species have already finished nesting, with Chaffinches and Dunnocks fully fledging this week as RSPB Arne, and Ducklings and Cygnets at RSPB Radipole Lake, while other birds have been seen carrying food, and others nesting material.

Photo above: Meadow Pipit gathering caterpillars at RSPB Arne by Léonard D'Aranjo

Dartford Warblers have been singing across the Heaths at RSPB Arne, and most of our birds of prey at RSPB Arne have been spotted this week with White tailed Eagles giving good views, and Ospreys fishing, as well as Goshawk, Hobby, Red Kite, Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, Kestrel, and Buzzard all seen.

Hobby and Marsh Harrier were also spotted regularly at RSPB Radipole Lake, along with clouds of Sand Martins, Swallows, and Swifts feasting on the newly emerging insects, joining the chorus of warblers along the reedbeds. A second Great Crested Grebe pair have started their courtship dances, while the other pair continue to sit on their nest.
RSPB Lodmoor enjoyed visits from wading birds, with Grey Plover, Ruff, and Common Sandpiper, and RSPB Arne.

Even more dragonflies began to emerge this week, with lots of Four Spotted Chasers, Common Darters, Large Red Damselflies, Common Blue Damselflies, and an Emperor Dragonfly darting around RSPB Arne, and lots of Hairy Dragonflies RSPB Radipole Lake. All 6 native reptiles were also spotted at RSPB Arne this week, with Sand Lizards showing very well for visitors.

Photo above: Large Red Damselflies laying eggs at RSPB Arne by Léonard D'Aranjo

It's been lovely to see so many visitors making the most of the sunny weather and enjoying the wildlife and events at our reserves.

If you'd like to keep up to date with what's going on at our reserves, take a look at our events page and follow us on social media:




Events at RSPB Arne and Garston Wood

Events at RSPB Radipole Lake

Events at RSPB Lodmoor