The heavy showers continue to pound the Bowland Fells, interspersed with sunny intervals. This makes life a bit more interesting! We currently have two surveyors here on the estate, Colin and Peter, undertaking moorland bird surveys for us. The methodology of the survey states that surveying shouldn’t be carried out in winds of greater than force 3, or when there is any rain. This immediately rules out any kind of survey work for half the time(!) though doesn’t stop us monitoring the birds of prey.

For the last two years we have had a camera on a hen harrier nest, showing recorded images of the activities of the harriers at the Bowland Visitor Centre, Beacon Fell. This is a partnership between RSPB and United Utilities, and Lancashire County Council Countryside Service and Natural England. The nest camera is nearly ready to go into action this weekend, after a visit by contractors to service and check the equipment ten days ago. This revealed that two small, but very important, pieces of equipment were faulty. Unfortunately, they didn’t have any spares with them, but I did receive replacements the next day. A round trip of nearly fours hours to the equipment on the fell to replace the gear, and everything was working - phew. Lets just hope it stays that way!

Last time I mentioned a possible sixth hen harrier nest. I’m pleased to say that this was confirmed just a couple of days later. Now, I’ve just heard of a possible seventh nest… Again this needs to be followed up. A job for tomorrow, me thinks.

On the downside, one of our early nests looks as though it might have failed. Observations from a distance have shown the female spending long periods of time off the eggs, hunting. A male (possibly the same that paired with this female, but we can’t prove it) is still being seen in the vicinity, but is not providing her with any food, hence the need for her to hunt for herself. Observations early this week showed her visiting the nest for only a few minutes during a two hour period.

Merlin have now crept up to four confirmed nests.

Thanks for reading


  • The webcam is now functioning. We visited Beacon Fell Visitors Centre today and watched some of the recorded footage. 3 chicks hatched, 1 egg still waiting. Saw both female (eating) and a very brief cameo appearance from the male. Thanks to everybody who makes this possible!
  • The webcam is now functioning. We visited Beacon Fell Visitors Centre today and watched some of the recorded footage. 3 chicks hatched, 1 egg still waiting. Saw both female (eating) and a very brief cameo appearance from the male. Thanks to everybody who makes this possible!
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