Yesterday, over 25 farmers from across England convened in Westminster to tell MPs and Ministers how vitally important agri-environment schemes are - both for the wildlife they help support and for the farm businesses themselves. Supported by RSPB, the Wildlife Trusts and National Trust, farmers from Devon to Yorkshire embraced the opportunity to make their voices heard at a time when political decisions about how much money to make available for agri-environment, including through transfers from Pillar I, are being considered. For those of you who regularly buy Farmers Weekly, watch out for a special report in Friday's edition (25 October) but in the meantime, read all about the event, including what was said by farmers, MPs and the new Minister for farming, George Eustice, over at Matin Harper's blog, the RSPB's Director of Conservation. If you’d also like to add your voice to the debate, take part in our current poll. And if you haven’t already, what about writing to your local MP to tell them why agri-environment is so important to you and why the Secretary of State has to make the right funding decisions in the coming weeks?