Recently I was fortunate enough to meet with Liberal Democrat MEP Andrew Duff and his team along with my colleagues to discuss the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the current reform proposals and the need for a fairer CAP for wildlife, farmers and the EU tax payer.

We had a wide ranging discussion including the current situation in Cyprus regarding the continued, illegal and unnecessary slaughter of migrant bird species. Andrew was deeply concerned over the current situation and clearly wanted to do more and will be in further discussions with RSPB’s Birdlife partner; Birdlife Cyprus.

Andrew was also concerned over how CAP money was and could be spent but importantly we discussed how this money can be spent in good value for money agri-environment options and schemes ensuring the correct land management options at the right scale are selected as we have done at Hope Farm and a growing minority of farmers are doing so here and here and as one farmer Janet Herbert I work with stated; "I consider wildlife to be part of my farm business, and I try to cater for its needs just as I would a crop of wheat. Taxpayers are making a considerable contribution to my income, and I like to think they're getting value for money”

I’m hopeful that Andrew Duff will be a voice in Europe for nature friendly farmers everywhere, they and the wildlife need him and others.

  • Sooty - thank you for the comment. I agree a change is needed to ensure the right options at the right scale.

    However, It is also a real risk that there isn't going to be enough money for agri-environment but there will be lots of money in the system, just not being spent in the most efficient way  - which is undoubtedly agri-environment.

    There is a lot of money tied up in CAP which doesn't help farmers who need the money the most or deliver real public benefits - it should be through this reform that MEP's (who will be involved in the process), fight to ensure a fairer CAP for continued public investment and that goes to where it delivers real public benefits.

  • Sooty - thank you for the comment. I agree a change is needed to ensure the right options at the right scale.

    However, It is also a real risk that there isn't going to be enough money for agri-environment but there will be lots of money in the system, just not being spent in the most efficient way  - which is undoubtedly agri-environment.

    There is a lot of money tied up in CAP which doesn't help farmers who need the money the most or deliver real public benefits - it should be through this reform that MEP's (who will be involved in the process), fight to ensure a fairer CAP for continued public investment and that goes to where it delivers real public benefits.

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