• Go Wild!

    Conservation Manager, Stuart Benn tell us how his childhood experiences were different to those of children nowadays but hopes this could be about to change thanks to the 'Project Wild Thing' film.

    I climbed a tree this week.

    Maybe an odd thing for an adult to do but I got the urge after I’d seen the Project Wild Thing film.


    When I was a kid, I used to climb trees all the time…

  • Broubster- an archaeological haven

    Jill Harden is an archaeologist with RSPB Scotland. She's been out exploring archaeological sites on our reserves...

    Broubster – an archaeological haven

    One of the standing stones overlooking Lochan Ealach and the Broubster reserve.

    Having explored various parts of Caithness in the past, Wednesday’s visit to Broubster was one that I had been particularly looking forward to. And I wasn’t disappointed…

  • Scotland's national bird

    Conservation Manager, Stuart Benn, tells us why he thinks golden eagles should be Scotland's national bird.

    Scotland’s national bird

    Winter has really hit with a vengeance here in the Highlands – storm force winds, blizzards, trains and ferries cancelled, and the mountain hares are turning white. But golden eagles are already thinking about next spring.

    I was up the glen the other day in perfect weather…

  • Exploring history at Inversnaid

    Jill Harden is an archaeologist for RSPB Scotland. She is busy gathering historic environment information on our reserves. She’ll be providing updates regularly so watch this space for info on fascinating historical links.

    Exploring history at Inversnaid

    A day out on an RSPB reserve is always an eye-opener, even if it is dreich and damp. And my recent visit to Inversnaid was no exception. It’s a landscape that…