This week's blog is all about making the most of wildlife visitations to your garden. Not only is participation in the Big Garden Birdwatch (BGBW) vital for collating data to see how wildlife numbers are faring - you can also use this time to take beautiful photographs of our most common (and treasured!) garden birds. For this reason, 'Photo of the week' simply has to go to Nature's Home reader, Paul Bennett and his stunning submission of - 'Three common garden birds'.

Goldfinch by Paul BennettLet's face it - we all love the presence of wildlife in our garden. At its most basic (without human intervention) it's simply nice to look out of the window and see it there. However, once we've taken the first step and popped up a feeder or two... the magic (some could even call it addiction!) begins to take hold. 

You could perhaps (at first) attribute it to the Action/Reaction Theory [ART] - you fill-up a feeder with some moreish, seedy delight (action), then gaze in wonder as one by one, your little feathered friends begin to arrive for their man-made feast (reaction).  

After some time (not to mention gargantuan amounts of bird food, and a hefty dent in your wallet!) you realise that you're well and truly hooked on these visitations to your garden, which - through your generous actions - have increased tenfold, well done! 

So now it's there - your little daily pat on the back. The knowledge that these birds (and other wildlife) stand a really good chance of making it through the winter thanks to you. In return - you get a private show, a VIP seat, personal insight into the private life of birds and it's UTTERLY MAGNIFICENT! 

Coal tit by Paul BennettIf that wasn't spectacular enough... did you know that you can do even more with your new hobby? Not only can you spend an hour in January doing the BGBW and take great pride in telling us about the wildlife in your garden (which by the way - you helped put there!)...

... the real magic starts to happen when you hold up a camera to your resident subjects and just like that -  you're a wildlife photographer! You want to capture all that they have to offer, and that dusty ID book that you weren't even sure you still had suddenly becomes a bestseller in your household. Pretty soon you'll be capturing stunning images in no time, much like these three (blue tit, goldfinch and coal tit) recently emailed to us by Nature's Home Reader, Paul Bennett. Thank you Paul - they're truly fantastic!

To get you started, please visit:

Don't forget!

Send us the fruits of your labour - you never know, it might be your photos we feature in a future blog. Email: and remember to take part in the Big Garden Birdwatch (25 - 27 of January). The trio featured in this blog are likely to be some of the birds visiting during the chosen hour - so get counting, and get snapping! Sign-up and request your pack today!

  • Make your own pixel art with the help of Pixelart123! Choose from hundreds or templates that are easy to create, copy & craft. Whether you want ride a unicorn in rainbows high above earth's surface; explore different planets within our solar system (including Mars!), meet Mario while he searches for Princess Peach – these are just some examples among many others available on this website. There really isn't anything too complicated here so anyone should be able make something they're proud enough show off too friends online via social media platforms such as Instagram stories etcetera . Have fun creating pixels today !!!