I think many of you would agree that this week has gotten a little Christmas heavy with the launch of the Christmas John Lewis advert (I didn't cry! You cried!) and the Black Friday madness.
But there is one bird that couldn't be more excited. In fact this black-tailed godwit seems to be so excited about Christmas that they've held onto their red summer plumage seeing it fit for the spirit of Noël. Santa would be proud.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, well at least for this wader (Photo courtesy of Nature's Home reader Carol Roberts)
Thank you Carol Roberts for sending in this brilliant shot at WWT Welney. Norfolk. She said of the photo "It was a beautiful sunny day, there were a couple of hundred other Godwits, none other with a touch of colour".
If you've got any unique and wonderful photos like Carol's send it to natureshome@rspb.org.uk.