Here’s a real stunner. June is the peak flight time for the swallowtail butterfly, which is only found in open fen habitat typically in East Anglia, so if you’re headed to somewhere like the Norfolk Broads - or the fantastic Strumpshaw Fen - this weekend, keep your eyes peeled. The swallowtail’s larval food plant is milk parsley, which is a cow parsley lookalike and a member of the carrot family. Find the plant, and you’ll have a good chance of seeing the butterfly – if you hadn’t already noticed this gorgeous insect.

Photo courtesy of reader Mark Brewster

This photo, sent in by Nature’s Home reader Mark Brewster, shows this summer insect in perfect clarity. Thanks for sending it in, Mark. If you think you have what it takes to be our photo of the week, email your image to

Enjoy the sun (if we get any) this weekend everyone!
