Photo of the week: eyes bigger than stomach

Herons epitomise the idiom "eyes bigger than ones stomach" to me. I've seen so many photos of herons eating impossibly large things, weird things, and just plain wrong things. This fantastic shot, kindly sent in by Nature's Home reader Michael Harvey, is a great example. Look at the size of that fish! 

Herons also seem to fascinate our young members. Hardly surprising I suppose, given that they look a lot like a dinosaur, are often confused for statues just before they move, and have laser-guided spears for faces.


I'm sure this fish went down in one - everything has to when you don't have any way to chew your food.

Thanks for sending your photo in, Michael. If you're reading this and think you're nifty with a camera, send your photos into us at

What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen a heron eat? Leave a comment below. There isn't a prize, other than to gross-out fellow readers!


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