Looking like a reedbed super hero, the bearded tit is up there in the list of best birds. This noisy, sociable bird can be seen and heard all year round in the UK, but there's not loads of them so you have to know where to look. The first time I saw a bearded tit was at RSPB Dungeness in Kent. I'd be up early every day to check predator fence batteries and the grazing livestock, and often hear their pinging call or see them racing across the spikes of reed they call home. Their almost impossible balance and yoga-like positions when resting in the reeds is perfectly captured in this image by Nature's Home reader Alan Peggs. Thanks for sending it in, Alan, and congratulations for taking our photo of the week!

How low can you go? What muscle is holding his bodyweight at this angle?! Imagine griping to a lamp post with your feet and then leaning forward past 90 degrees... (Photo courtesy of Nature's Home reader Alan Peggs)

If you're keen to see a bearded tit, scroll down our bearded tit page and you'll find a list of reserves of where to see this fantastic bird.

Have a great weekend.
