Did you know that this Friday (19 June) happens to be the world's first World Albatross Day? Join us and people from around the globe in celebrating the first ever WAD and find out what the RSPB and its partners are doing to keep these amazing birds safe. Nina DaRocha tells us more...
As you may or may not know, the RSPB does quite a lot of albatross work already, in fact it was one of the RSPB's very own seabird biologists (Michelle Risi studying albatrosses on Gough Island) who first came up with the idea of launching a #WorldAlbatrossDay and presented the idea to the Agreement of the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels last year. As you can see, the idea was met with huge enthusiasm and the rest, as they say, is history.
In the lead up to WAD2020 we have been uploading a series of short talks by albatross experts from around the world to our Albatross Task Force YouTube channel - giving you the opportunity to learn more about these incredible birds; what makes them special, what threats they face and what we are doing to help keep them safe prior to the main event on Friday. Here's a little sneak preview from Professor Richard Phillips to whet your appetite:
As a particularly special treat, we are giving you the chance to join some of the astonishing people working on the ground to save albatrosses in a live Zoom Q&A session. So, please join us this Friday to hear about our incredible work, with the added bonus of being able to ask us anything:
Date: 19th June (World Albatross Day) Time: 12 pm BST Zoom link: https://birdlife.zoom.us/j/94712623619
Head on over to the Albatross Task Force YouTube channel and learn all you can about albatrosses so that you're able to come armed with some questions for our Q&A on Friday.
Please note that the Q&A session will be recorded and uploaded onto the Albatross Task Force YouTube channel.