Large red damselfly by Janet Turnbull

I've been seeing more and more dragonflies and damselflies in the lovely weather this week, starting with nice views of a variable damselfly (a localised species) at one of my local patches - Paxton Pits - last weekend followed by good numbers of large red damselflies, four-spotted chasers and hairy hawker (another scarce species) here at The Lodge this week.

Nature's Home reader Janet Turnbull's photo really caught my eye when it arrived this week as it shows a large red damsel in fine detail, plus its prey: in this case one of our cranefly species. It's a good reminder that dragonflies are carnivorous.

Janet says: "I was at Glen Loy, Fort William, yesterday and whilst unsuccessful in my hunt for butterflies I did notice this large red dragonfly munching a cranefly."

Congratulations Janet on a great shot and a very timely one for our  current rather lovely May.