Whilst it may not be the most numerous bird in your garden, the robin is undoubtedly one of the nation's most loved. Voted Britain's first 'national bird' back in 2015, they are popular all year round, their friendly demeanour and loud, cheery song meaning they are seen and heard in gardens and beyond, up and down the country.
So what could be better than seeing a young robin 'couple' nesting, feeding and preparing to breed in your garden. That's exactly what Nature's Home reader Vince May photographed here in an act known as courtship feeding: the male robin literally feeding the female in preparation for her to sit on the nest and lay eggs. As Vince says "It really has been a joy to watch at the bottom of my garden".
Keep bringing those mealworms! (Photo courtesy of Nature's Home reader, Vince May)
Thanks to Nature's Home reader, Vince May, who took this shot in his garden in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.
If you spot any unusual, exciting or any other wildlife in your garden or elsewhere, send your pics to us here at natureshome@rspb.org.uk.
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