Ever since the day I saw Jiminy Cricket I was fascinated by the minibeasts. I mean who didn’t like the charming and buggy narrator of Pinocchio? I remember the first time I heard one in the wild I was told it was a cricket so I named it Jiminy. Every cricket I heard after that throughout my childhood was also named Jiminy (I was an imaginative child). So my previous experience of crickets was limited to nostalgic childhood characters, and rescuing them when they somehow managed to get in the house. None of these experiences involved the rare field cricket since in only a few small colonies in the UK.

Ok so these guys aren’t so similar but they are both still called Jiminy (Image credit left: Walt Disney Productions for RKO Radio Pictures, photo credit right: Ben Andrew)

When I heard there was an opportunity to go on a field cricket volunteering day, back in April, I was intrigued to say the least. But really it was the uttered words “cricket tickling” that got my attention. First-hand experience of conservation work on a ground-breaking project where I got to relocate these beautiful crickets was an opportunity not to be missed (and also some good blog content). And so with some light pestering James and Jane took me under their Back from the Brink wings for the day. It was an early start and a fair bit of traveling but well worth it especially if the 12 pairs translocated over two different sites might take hold.

It was great to see so man passionate volunteers and colleagues excited about finding field crickets. (photo credit: Ben Andrew)

Cricket tickling was oddly exciting and I’m sure the many other volunteers on the day thought so too. After being introduced a little bit to their history we were taken on a short walk to the location of many field cricket nymphs. On that walk Mike the license holder asked us to find our crickling (a term I’ve coined for cricket tickling) materials. I picked a blade of grass or stem from several varieties as I felt I needed options if I wanted to get the best out of my crickling experience. What if the cricket wasn’t fazed by the long green spindly one, or the sturdy one was too sturdy?

Here you see James cheering me on to find the next cricket (photo credit: Ben Andrew)

I must state here that cricket tickling can only be done under the guidance of a license holder. But Mike was more than just a license holder, he was a fountain of field cricket knowledge. I listened carefully to his tips and set about finding some myself some cricket nymphs. Location 1, 2 crickets were found under my skilful crickle, a male and a female. This was great. I had found 1 of the 6 pairs that would be translocated elsewhere to start a new colony at RSPB Pulborough Brooks.

I couldn’t help but get a snap of the first Jiminy of the day (photo credit: Emma Lacy)

Location 2, RSPB Farnham Heath, 1 cricket found. This one was a bit trickier. The wind had picked up in the afternoon and it was quite a bit cooler so the nymphs were a little more reluctant to our cricket tickling wiles. But I was still so excited to have been part of another translocation. Releasing him back into the wild at another Farnham Heath location, I hovered and watched what he did in the first few minutes at his new home. It doesn’t take long for these chaps to dig a new burrow and I am hopeful that he’s found himself a nice spot and a mate.

Jiminy #3 being set free at Farnham Heath (photo credit: Emma Lacy)

Wind swept and tired it was time for a cuppa before heading home. The experience is one I will never forget and field crickets have now been heard at both Pulborough Brooks and Farnham Heath. I hope to revisit one of the sites the crickets were translocated to and hear them in their abundance knowing that I helped bring these beautiful black and gold creatures back from the brink.

Here's what others had to say about the day.

Interested in taking action for nature? Find out how you can volunteer by visiting Back from the Brink or the RSPB online.

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