Autumn feels like an ending. The last days of a spring and summer past, and the transition to a period of relative stillness. For me it is a reflective time of year, and as with any period of change there is a lot to keep you occupied.

I’ve been fascinated by decay this autumn, in all its various forms. It’s an under appreciated but essential process that brings a burst of colour on par with spring, or a summer meadow. And with that colour comes a lot of texture. Perhaps less attractive than the stunning range of colours is the gloop of a mouldy fungi. But the sawdust stump chewed all summer, and the crispy leaves under your feet are way up there for both intrigue and immersion.

Here’s a snapshot of autumn today, in all its decaying glory.

Rot, glorious rot, wet fungi and sawdust! (Photo: Jack Plumb)

What good is sitting inside all day? Come and see the fungi grow! (Photo: Jack Plumb)

You're the bracket I want. You are the bracket I, hoof hoof hoof. Hornet! (Photo: Jack Plumb)

Hello everybody, my name's Autumn! How do you like them golden leaves, Mr Springtime? (Photo: Jack Plumb)


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