Well, not every Wednesday.  But three rather significant things did happen yesterday.

First, two of the RSPB's forestry experts attended the ash die-back summit convened by the Secretary of State, Owen Paterson.  Here is the Defra statement and our response to the latest reports of spread of the disease can be found here.

Second, I participated in an IEEM debate in Cardiff yesterday entitled "The greatest threat to biodiversity is climate change" (RSPB).  So let's build the Severn Barrage? Apart from having various flash-backs to debates I was involved in three years ago, it was good to begin to hear more about the new proposal from Hafren Power.  Things are obviously getting serious again and tidal power is the subject of an inquiry recently announced by the Energy and Climate Change Committee.  At the end of the debate we were asked what our children would have thought about our role in this debate given the looming crisis of climate change.  A good question, but my conscience on behalf of my kids is clear. I think.  I shall return to this issue soon.

Third?  Now what was that third thing?  Oh yes, President Obama has been re-elected.  In his acceptance speech he said,

“We want our children to live in an America that isn’t burdened by debt, that isn’t weakened by inequality, that isn’t threatened by the destructive power of a warming planet.”

A glimmer of hope then for a fair and binding climate change deal in 2015?  I remain optimistic. 

What tumultuous events happened on your Wednesday?  And what awaits you today?

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