There has been a bit of a hullabaloo over the blog that I wrote ten days ago and subsequent interview I gave to the Observer.  For much of the past year I have been castigated for being anti shooting and the ultimate insult for some was me being seen alongside the Chief Executive of the League Against Cruel Sports at the December Rally for Nature.  So, it was rather bemusing to see another headline writer misunderstand our position and the inevitable uproar on social media.

I think I shall continue to disappoint everyone and say that we are neither anti nor pro shooting. We are neutral on the ethics of shooting.  And, guess what, we have been for over a hundred years. 

As I wrote in the original blog and on many previous occasions, we will continue to condemn bad practice associated with shooting such as burning on peatland to increase the shootable surplus of red grouse.  Moreover, when this is illegal (such as the killing of birds of prey) we will work with the police to catch the criminals.  I am proud of the track record of our investigations team - no other organisation has done more than the RSPB to try to stamp out illegal killing and this effort continues.

But, there are people who are doing some good things and what I was trying to do was give praise where it is due.  60% of UK species for which we have data is in decline.  Nature needs all the friends it can get especially those who invest in managing their land in a sensitive and thoughtful way.  And we will continue to work with those that try to do good.

We have a rich and diverse charity sector which includes those that champion animal welfare causes and those like the RSPB whose charitable objectives focus on conservation. 

Both causes take action for public good and the distinct approaches should be respected.

And, one final thought.  Today's little storm has, if anything, reinforced the point I was trying to make - a simplistic interpretation of our position is not only wrong but unhelpfully divisive.

  • Its a mistake to think you can agree with everyone all the time - 'partnership' can be overplayed in our modern world of double speak. For me, that RSPB is getting this sort of reaction from some in the shooting community is entirely to its credit - and increase, not decreases, my support. What you haven't explained, Martin, is that RSPB's charter specifically excludes it from taking sides on shooting/field sports. As an RSPB  Council member when the hunting debate was warming up in the late 80s I can remember how grateful we all were for that farsighted decision all those years ago ! The point is that RSPB's position has nothing to do with field sports and everything to do with its core purpose - protecting birds. There are some in the shooting community intent on polarising the debate which risks it heading towards a win/lose rather than a compromise and my money is on the birds - it may take some time, but in an urban society making the case for field sports faces an uphill struggle. It is a shame that the noisy, aggressive element of shooting is drowning out the many shooters who really do care about birds and the environment - but it is up to them, not RSPB, to make a more moderate voice heard.

  • Its a mistake to think you can agree with everyone all the time - 'partnership' can be overplayed in our modern world of double speak. For me, that RSPB is getting this sort of reaction from some in the shooting community is entirely to its credit - and increase, not decreases, my support. What you haven't explained, Martin, is that RSPB's charter specifically excludes it from taking sides on shooting/field sports. As an RSPB  Council member when the hunting debate was warming up in the late 80s I can remember how grateful we all were for that farsighted decision all those years ago ! The point is that RSPB's position has nothing to do with field sports and everything to do with its core purpose - protecting birds. There are some in the shooting community intent on polarising the debate which risks it heading towards a win/lose rather than a compromise and my money is on the birds - it may take some time, but in an urban society making the case for field sports faces an uphill struggle. It is a shame that the noisy, aggressive element of shooting is drowning out the many shooters who really do care about birds and the environment - but it is up to them, not RSPB, to make a more moderate voice heard.

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