One of the joys of starting a new job is to be able to inherit the success of others.

Hope Farm is perhaps one of my predecessors' great legacies.  Bought in 2001, thanks to the generosity of RSPB members, we have managed to demonstrate that it is possible to run a profitable arable farm and restore farmland wildlife.  I was there on Friday filming for Countryfile.  John Craven was putting together a package on farmland birds to be shown on telly on 29 May.  It was great to meet John and even better to be able to celebrate the fact that over the past decade we have tripled the number of farmland birds on our farm.   

Populations of skylarks, yellowhammer, linnets, reed bunting and starlings have all increased, while grey partridge, yellow wagtail, lapwing, turtle dove have all returned to the farm.  And this year, greeted with much excitement, we also have a pair of corn bunting.

We've done all this while still returning great wheat yields. 

So what's the secret of our success?  Well lots of praise should go to the farm managers we have had over the years - especially Chris Bailey who moves on to a new job within the RSPB in Scotland later this summer.  But it is simple really, we have put 3% of our farm into Entry Level Stewardship Scheme (ELS) - a government grant scheme available to all farmers.  This subsidy allows us to get paid to get the basics right for farmland birds: habitat which provides somewhere to nest, food in spring/summer as well as food in the winter.

If it is that simple, why aren't farmland birds doing much better across the whole country? 

Unfortunately, not all the options in the the schemes are effective.  This is why the UK Government is currently reviewing the scheme.  We are encouraging them to concentrate on scheme quality, ensuring all agreements contain a minimum of the best options for wildlife, while ensuring that farmers get better advice about what's appropriate for their their farm.

My predecessor was convinced that if you could get ELS working more efficiently, you could see farmland bird numbers rise again - offering more people a chance to enjoy the sountrack to spring and summer.

Have a great Sunday.

P.S. This blog will be silent for three days until Thursday 19 May. The RSPB computer people have some maintenance/upgrade work to do.  After a couple of weeks in the new job, I might ask them to reboot me as well.

  • I have visited Hope Farm, it is an inspiration as far as farmland wildlife is concerned and an example to be followed by, the NFU and farmers, the Government, and the EU (in respect of the forth coming revision to the CAP). However, how difficult it is to persuade all of them to follow this example, for next to no cost to themselves, for consistently good yields of crops, and for good profits. It seems so difficult, almost impossible sometimes to change the conventional thinking of people, and especially those people who formulate farming policies in these organisations, but if anything can do it Hope Farm can. They should all visit Hope Farm to see how wildlife and farming can work together productively for both.

    (Have a good reboot Martin).


  • I have visited Hope Farm, it is an inspiration as far as farmland wildlife is concerned and an example to be followed by, the NFU and farmers, the Government, and the EU (in respect of the forth coming revision to the CAP). However, how difficult it is to persuade all of them to follow this example, for next to no cost to themselves, for consistently good yields of crops, and for good profits. It seems so difficult, almost impossible sometimes to change the conventional thinking of people, and especially those people who formulate farming policies in these organisations, but if anything can do it Hope Farm can. They should all visit Hope Farm to see how wildlife and farming can work together productively for both.

    (Have a good reboot Martin).


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