Before the Chancellor stands up to deliver his Budget speech today at 12.30pm, I would like him to read a letter and a poem.

Here is the letter...

And here is the poem - Philip Larkin's 1972 poem, GOING, GOING. 

I thought it would last my time -
The sense that, beyond the town,
There would always be fields and farms,
Where the village louts could climb
Such trees as were not cut down;
I knew there'd be false alarms

In the papers about old streets
And split level shopping, but some
Have always been left so far;
And when the old part retreats
As the bleak high-risers come
We can always escape in the car.

Things are tougher than we are, just
As earth will always respond
However we mess it about;
Chuck filth in the sea, if you must:
The tides will be clean beyond.
- But what do I feel now? Doubt?

Or age, simply? The crowd
Is young in the M1 cafe;
Their kids are screaming for more -
More houses, more parking allowed,
More caravan sites, more pay.
On the Business Page, a score

Of spectacled grins approve
Some takeover bid that entails
Five per cent profit (and ten
Per cent more in the estuaries): move
Your works to the unspoilt dales
(Grey area grants)! And when

You try to get near the sea
In summer . . .
        It seems, just now,
To be happening so very fast;
Despite all the land left free
For the first time I feel somehow
That it isn't going to last,

That before I snuff it, the whole
Boiling will be bricked in
Except for the tourist parts -
First slum of Europe: a role
It won't be hard to win,
With a cast of crooks and tarts.

And that will be England gone,
The shadows, the meadows, the lanes,
The guildhalls, the carved choirs.
There'll be books; it will linger on
In galleries; but all that remains
For us will be concrete and tyres.

Most things are never meant.
This won't be, most likely; but greeds
And garbage are too thick-strewn
To be swept up now, or invent
Excuses that make them all needs.
I just think it will happen, soon

I'll post our verdict on the Budget, later.

  • I never see not an item on environmental justice just middle class sentiemtality; in my view the environmental movement of the last 30 years has failed; not a molecule of CO2 has been reduced, forests are still felled, population UK housing is unaffordable re the wages for the median to bottom 50%. Half the population and more is on a poverty treadmill; reducing housing costs is key while wealth is hoarded offshore.

    If the environmental movement is ever going to spread beyond the priviliged upper middle into a meaningful lifestyle options then there has to be some basic principles that transfer economic justice to more than just the elite. I support the RSPB and continue to do so for its excellent reserves and targetted initiatives; its general politics I often find the sort of mish mash that has not delivered nada/rien post Rio 1992 unless a vision is delivered for all the people.

    The big environmental picture is now out of our humanities hands and nature will take its course; most likely through decline in antibiotic resistance and a population crash.

    Peter Plover 

  • I never see not an item on environmental justice just middle class sentiemtality; in my view the environmental movement of the last 30 years has failed; not a molecule of CO2 has been reduced, forests are still felled, population UK housing is unaffordable re the wages for the median to bottom 50%. Half the population and more is on a poverty treadmill; reducing housing costs is key while wealth is hoarded offshore.

    If the environmental movement is ever going to spread beyond the priviliged upper middle into a meaningful lifestyle options then there has to be some basic principles that transfer economic justice to more than just the elite. I support the RSPB and continue to do so for its excellent reserves and targetted initiatives; its general politics I often find the sort of mish mash that has not delivered nada/rien post Rio 1992 unless a vision is delivered for all the people.

    The big environmental picture is now out of our humanities hands and nature will take its course; most likely through decline in antibiotic resistance and a population crash.

    Peter Plover 

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