This is the last remaining bit of our wheat from Hope Farm - about 150t apparently.


And saleable at c£185/t at the moment.  Close to £30k worth.

A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

  • Great blog. I'm a bird-watcher in Essex who does likes garden, woodland and farmland birds and also a volunteer with the local Wildlife Trust on Living Landscapes. We (EWT supported by RSPB Farming Advisors) are holding a 'clinic' on agri-environment schemes next week: would be great some more farms in ELS and HLS around here and boost those yellowhammers etc.

  • Great blog. I'm a bird-watcher in Essex who does likes garden, woodland and farmland birds and also a volunteer with the local Wildlife Trust on Living Landscapes. We (EWT supported by RSPB Farming Advisors) are holding a 'clinic' on agri-environment schemes next week: would be great some more farms in ELS and HLS around here and boost those yellowhammers etc.

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