I expect Sigrid Rausing to get a letter from the Countryside Alliance in Scotland, and a write-up in the Shooting Times, for suggesting that the lack of eagles in some parts of Scotland, and on her estate in the Monadhliath, is due to the fact that sporting estates bump them off.

But it is what I believe too.

A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

  • But what she also says Mark is that the very same eagles are threatened by wind farm developments. She says she has appealled to SNH to have the Monadliaths designated a SPA, a Special Protection Area for golden eagles but as failed. Where was the RSPB when she needed them? She says that the wind farm given approval on her boundry is going to be a disaster with golden eagles coliding with them, probably just as effective as a poisoned bait at killing eagles & many othe raptors. Now on her other boundary  plans have just been submitted for a huge wind farm, again on optimum eagle habitat. Whats the RSPB going to do about that?

  • But what she also says Mark is that the very same eagles are threatened by wind farm developments. She says she has appealled to SNH to have the Monadliaths designated a SPA, a Special Protection Area for golden eagles but as failed. Where was the RSPB when she needed them? She says that the wind farm given approval on her boundry is going to be a disaster with golden eagles coliding with them, probably just as effective as a poisoned bait at killing eagles & many othe raptors. Now on her other boundary  plans have just been submitted for a huge wind farm, again on optimum eagle habitat. Whats the RSPB going to do about that?

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