I expect Sigrid Rausing to get a letter from the Countryside Alliance in Scotland, and a write-up in the Shooting Times, for suggesting that the lack of eagles in some parts of Scotland, and on her estate in the Monadhliath, is due to the fact that sporting estates bump them off.

But it is what I believe too.

  • Trimbush,  The link is one I got from the Policy section on the RSPB website.

    Red Kite,  I find it strange that not only hen harriers are a priority for NWCU but they have just added in the Peregrine as a priority.  It is only 2 years ago that the Peregrine was taken off Schedule 4 much to the consternation of a lot of people, myself included.

  • Trimbush,  The link is one I got from the Policy section on the RSPB website.

    Red Kite,  I find it strange that not only hen harriers are a priority for NWCU but they have just added in the Peregrine as a priority.  It is only 2 years ago that the Peregrine was taken off Schedule 4 much to the consternation of a lot of people, myself included.

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