I expect Sigrid Rausing to get a letter from the Countryside Alliance in Scotland, and a write-up in the Shooting Times, for suggesting that the lack of eagles in some parts of Scotland, and on her estate in the Monadhliath, is due to the fact that sporting estates bump them off.

But it is what I believe too.

A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

  • Trimbush it does seem almost certain that just like farmers having bad eggs in basket that RSPB seems keen on letting us know about not improving farmland bird numbers,which by the way just has to be a massive RED HERRING as probably 95% of all birds not just farmland birds have declined,then by the same token which is really sad the RSPB must have some employees who are helping people commit wildlife crime and I am not trying to put the boot in it must be a fact of life that amongst all groups a few bad eggs are in that particular basket.In fact I sympathise with them as it must be extremely difficult and really galling for the 99.9% of their staff who do fantastic work.

    Lets hope they realise how we feel and indeed the shooting fraternity and gamekeepers that are are completely innocent but get tarred with the bad ones.

  • Trimbush it does seem almost certain that just like farmers having bad eggs in basket that RSPB seems keen on letting us know about not improving farmland bird numbers,which by the way just has to be a massive RED HERRING as probably 95% of all birds not just farmland birds have declined,then by the same token which is really sad the RSPB must have some employees who are helping people commit wildlife crime and I am not trying to put the boot in it must be a fact of life that amongst all groups a few bad eggs are in that particular basket.In fact I sympathise with them as it must be extremely difficult and really galling for the 99.9% of their staff who do fantastic work.

    Lets hope they realise how we feel and indeed the shooting fraternity and gamekeepers that are are completely innocent but get tarred with the bad ones.

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