Fernando Torres can kick a ball about and is worth £50m, apparently.

40,000ha of England's forests, that's 40,000 football pitches, are worth £100m.

Are our values quite right?

A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

  • 'Grass Roots' football created Torres and Carrol and without it there would be no big teams. Same in conservation and forestry no one starts at the top without learning their trade at 'Grass Roots'. Take away the public forest and national nature reserve and you loose out on Minsmere and Grizedale FC.

  • 'Grass Roots' football created Torres and Carrol and without it there would be no big teams. Same in conservation and forestry no one starts at the top without learning their trade at 'Grass Roots'. Take away the public forest and national nature reserve and you loose out on Minsmere and Grizedale FC.

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