Waxwings - I actually went out looking for them in east Northants yesterday and failed completely despite many recent local records.  Did see lots of rowan berries, industrial estates and redwings though!  Will I ever see a waxwing this winter?

Farmland birds -  a short blog of a week ago has attracted a large number of comments - mostly from a so-called 'Essex peasant' otherwise known as Essex farmer and NFU mouthpiece Guy Smith.  The comments are mostly longer than the original blog!  Guy has problems with Hope Farm, the Farmland Bird Index, and most things that the RSPB does.  Makes for an interesting read if you are interested in that type of thing.

Dancing - now is the time to download Bird is the word to try to get it to be the Christmas Number 1. 

Last date to order from the RSPB before Christmas - 15 December.

A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

  • CuriousPan - welcome! And thank you for the kind comments.  Good comment - when it comes down to it, everything is consumed by the 6.5bn of us on earth, and some of us consume more (more food, more water, more energy, more space, more resources) than others.

    trimbush - I will blog on badgers soon.  It can be a Christmas present for you - although it might be the type that you want to return to the store after it's unwrapped.  We'll see.

    A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

  • CuriousPan - welcome! And thank you for the kind comments.  Good comment - when it comes down to it, everything is consumed by the 6.5bn of us on earth, and some of us consume more (more food, more water, more energy, more space, more resources) than others.

    trimbush - I will blog on badgers soon.  It can be a Christmas present for you - although it might be the type that you want to return to the store after it's unwrapped.  We'll see.

    A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

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